This functional checking
method will provide assurance of part
interchangeability. However, quite often
the actual position of the hole is
required for a positive quality control
analysis as well as an aid in making
proper machine adjustments. One method of
determining the actual position is by
making a lay-out inspection of the part. By using soft
plugs, a position check can be made
faster and easier than by the lay-out
method. Soft plugs are most commonly
referred to as sweep gages. The sweep
gage has a probe that contacts the
periphery of the hole and transfers its'
movement to an attached stationary
indicator dial.
Figures 1
& 2 show the same hole condition.
Figure 2 illustrates the operation of the
sweep gage.
In fig. 2
- P-
radius of hole in permissible
- G-
radius of probe
- r-
radius of tolerance zone
- T- 2r
(total indicator reading, TI R)
- T /2-
actual position
The pilot,
or body, of the sweep gage is contained
within a fixture on true center, the same
as a hard plug would be located.
The sweep
gage is inserted into the hole and the
probe is rotated independently of the
indicator until the lowest indicator
reading is observed.