Application Ball arbors &
chucks can be designed to suit
practically any application. They are
ideally suited when it is required to
rotate the piece part for inspections.
The amount of expansion obtainable
without a loss of accuracy is also a plus
for the ball arbor. loading is quick and
simple and the bearings antifrictional
feature gives the arbor a long wear life.
arbors can indent a soft steel or
aluminum part. Special adapters can be
furnished to protect against this or the
ball arbor rotation feature can be locked
out to minimize this factor.
An interruption
in the bore such as a snap ring groove
creates a bad part loading problem and
should be avoided.
A bell
mouth or tapered part condition can be
calculated into the design allowing the
arbor to work well. But an oval shaped
part will not locate properly. If these
conditions exist or it is desirous to
solidly clamp the part, see our standard Zero Hydraulic
Arbor & Chuck Section.
Good Design Practices
Single row
ball arbors will not square up the
part, a qualified face must be used to
assist the arbor. All arbors should have
a 1 : 1 ratio of bearing bore to
length of bore. Mount heavy parts
vertically in your fixture to avoid